Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Preserve Cutlery Reuse Forever Utensils

There are many people out there who do not like the feel of metal in their mouth when they eat, and I am one of them. This is what took me on a search for utensils that I could use without cringing each time I ate. They needed to be reusable, durable, and BPA–free because I wanted to use them on a daily basis. I began trying a few different kinds but they were either shaped funny or had a rough feel to them. I saw the Preserve Cutlery Reuse Forever pack of utensils on a website and was intrigued by the description.  They are made of 100% recycled BPA-free materials and manufactured in the United States. This sounded like something I would be willing to try so I ordered them right away. They were green, which I thought was a little strange, but I could live with that if I liked the product.

They arrived and I was pleasantly surprised at how they felt in my hand. They weighed less than ordinary metal ones but they still had a good feel. The utensils were the appropriate size and they had a smooth texture, which would also make them easy to wash. The fact that they are dishwasher safe was a point in their favor. The true test came when I used them and found out that they were quite durable and, happy day, no awkward metal feel in my mouth. The fork tines were long and worked well on different kinds of food. I was even able to cut through softer food items with the sides of the fork. There was a little give but it still got the job done. I have since used a sharp knife while using one of the forks to stabilize and cut into the fork. Luckily, I do not do that very often and so I can overlook it. I have been very pleased with this product and use them on a daily basis. The green color worked out great because it matches my set of dishes and glassware. These utensils are very affordable and are worth trying even if metal in your mouth is not a problem.

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