Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Petco Adjustable Mesh Harness for Dogs

I have a poodle named Daisie who has a larger wardrobe than most people. She is very small weighing in at about 6 lbs. Her size has made it difficult to find a harness that fits her well. I found the Petco Adjustable Mesh Harness for Dogs at the Petco store and liked how it had several areas of adjustment. There are slide-and-lock tabs that are located at the shoulder are and a strap slide that adjusts around the chest. I feel like the adjustments are great for her size. I have used harnesses in the past that do not have these adjusting options, which has left a gap in her chest area. There is a padded piece that is sewn in right under the mussel and the rest is constructed out of breathable mesh material. Daisie has worn hers during the hot months and has been fine, but the material is a little thick and so that should be considered if your dog gets overheated easily.

The adjustments allow for us to place the harness under or over her sweaters. The slides-and- lock tabs have been a bit of a challenge because they sometimes get wedged on the fabric making it hard to slide. I have got into the habit of setting them where I want them and slipping it over her head. This is not ideal but I like the way it fits her so I live with it. I also think that someone with limited hand dexterity may find the slide-and –lock difficult because they are small especially on the smaller sizes.  There are quite a few color options available with patterns and without, which makes it fun when buying new ones. It is important to me that Daisie wears a secure harness while maintaining a high level of comfort and I believe this harness accomplishes that. She has several in different colors and wears one of them on a daily basis.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Waring Pro WPM25 Professional Popcorn Maker

I purchased the Waring Pro WPM25 Professional Popcorn Maker and I am pleased with my decision. I decided to bag the bagged microwave popcorn for a more natural option and the search began. Waring Pro attracted my attention with its fun design concept and the fact that that it used a kettle to pop the popcorn allowing me to control the type of oil that is used.

The machine has a very attractive fun design that works well in a game or theater room. It replicates an old time popcorn popper but in a small usable form. It operates off of a 300-watt system, which brings the kettle to a high heat and the built in stirring mechanism helps the kernels to pop evenly. The pivoting kettle allows me to put the oil and popcorn in without too much effort. The entire unit is small enough to fit in a variety of areas measuring 11x11 1/2x17 inches and is heavy enough to be stable but light enough to move around if necessary. The clear Plexiglas material allows people to view the popping action as it is happening.  The popped corn spills over the sides and into the plastic serving tray at the bottom. The tray is removable and can be used as a serving bowl, which really appealed to me. Anything that saves an extra dish to wash is a win, win in my book.

There are a few things to consider before buying the Waring Pro WPM25 such as the Plexiglas. It is lighter than glass but a bit harder to clean and it can scratch easily. I wipe it down right after each use with a soft cloth using warm soapy water to help discourage oil build up. The small kettle unplugs from the unit and is removable, but it is hard to get my hand in there to wipe it out. It pops enough popcorn in one setting for two people, which means for a large group several sessions would be needed. There is often some un-popped kernels after the batch is complete but really not that many.

I really enjoy the Waring Pro WPM25 and use it nearly once a week. It is fast convenient and fun, which makes popcorn the go to snack at our house. I love the fun design of the machine and how the popcorn comes out fluffy and full of flavor each and every time. I would recommend this product to anyone looking for a good way to pop popcorn.

Preserve Cutlery Reuse Forever Utensils

There are many people out there who do not like the feel of metal in their mouth when they eat, and I am one of them. This is what took me on a search for utensils that I could use without cringing each time I ate. They needed to be reusable, durable, and BPA–free because I wanted to use them on a daily basis. I began trying a few different kinds but they were either shaped funny or had a rough feel to them. I saw the Preserve Cutlery Reuse Forever pack of utensils on a website and was intrigued by the description.  They are made of 100% recycled BPA-free materials and manufactured in the United States. This sounded like something I would be willing to try so I ordered them right away. They were green, which I thought was a little strange, but I could live with that if I liked the product.

They arrived and I was pleasantly surprised at how they felt in my hand. They weighed less than ordinary metal ones but they still had a good feel. The utensils were the appropriate size and they had a smooth texture, which would also make them easy to wash. The fact that they are dishwasher safe was a point in their favor. The true test came when I used them and found out that they were quite durable and, happy day, no awkward metal feel in my mouth. The fork tines were long and worked well on different kinds of food. I was even able to cut through softer food items with the sides of the fork. There was a little give but it still got the job done. I have since used a sharp knife while using one of the forks to stabilize and cut into the fork. Luckily, I do not do that very often and so I can overlook it. I have been very pleased with this product and use them on a daily basis. The green color worked out great because it matches my set of dishes and glassware. These utensils are very affordable and are worth trying even if metal in your mouth is not a problem.